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Summercamp in new community centre

From the 19th of May to the 2nd of June, the Dhaatri Resource Center conducted for 15 days a Summer Camp where 40-60 children and youngsters came together to get to know each other, have fun, create awareness for certain issues in the villages and educate themselves in the subjects of Telugu, Maths, English and Hindi. This Summer Camp was held in the newly built Community Center in Poolabandha and therefore, the house is now filled with new memories and fun activities.

Every morning, the children from the 12 different villages arrived by bus, auto or by walk and the day started with some games and easy English songs. Later on, the Camp continued with the main activity. These activities varied from drama days, to environmental days or adventure days where we hiked up to a waterfall and worked with mud to create small figures. The Camp also focused on Gender issues; that is the reason why the older girls were taught how to stich their own sanitary pads. Furthermore, the intention was to let the children open up and have fun. In this open atmosphere, issues like the Good Touch or Bad Touch topic or the problems with waste in the villages were addressed. In the afternoon classes, the children were first separated in different groups according to their level of knowledge, so they can be individually supported better.

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